Adult Ministries
Check out how you can tap into the life of our family and get involved as an adult. All throughout the week, whether on a Sunday morning during the two services or the other 166 hours that make up our lives, there are plenty of opportunities you can take part in to grow your faith and help Crossroads continue to make a difference in the community.

Sunday Groups
On Sundays, we have three groups for different walks of life that meet between the two services for prayer, learning, and fellowship. If you're looking for an easy low commitment way to take a next step, feel free to step in and join. There's no need to bring anything with you other than yourself.

Volunteer Opportunities
The best way to use your talents for the glory of God is to join in volunteering in a ministry that uses your God-given gifts. At Crossroads, we have a multitude of opportunities for every skill set, from technology to music, cooking, greeting people, and getting your hands dirty.
The Ministry of Giving
Three Ways Giving Strengthens Our Relationship With God

Obeying God
There are many verses in the Bible that support the notion that we are to give our best to God, whether that's in the form of our produce or income. When we obey God, countless miracles happen around us and in our lives. The same way being obedient to a parent builds a healthy relationship, so too does being obedient to God.
Thanking God
When we give, we are showing our gratitude and thanks to God for all he's done. All we have comes from God, and putting a portion of that into furthering his work rather than ourselves humbles us in a way that helps focus our lives toward what is most important rather than chasing earthly gold and glory.
Trusting God
Giving a portion of our livelihood to God forces us to trust that God will meet our needs in ways that we can't readily see. It deepens our dependence on our life-giver, bringing us to talk to him and pray for his help. We learn in this vulnerability there is no one better equipped than God to provide for our needs.
Proposing New Ministries
If you and a friend or two are passionate about a ministry idea you feel God has laid on your heart, our church leadership would love to hear it. Whether you're a member of the church or simply looking for a community with the kindling to stoke the fire burning in your heart, there's no better time than the present to be creative in the ways we serve God and each other. Come to one of our Leadership Team meetings or present your idea to one of the staff members. If the idea is approved, funds and support will be allocated to facilitate it. Don't be afraid, because you're the reason we exist.